Sebastiaan Tan

Swimming strait Gibraltar - thinking of my sister and diabetes type 1

Between the 16th and 25th of April, I will be swimming from Spain to Marocco, the Strait of Gibraltar! I’ve been on a waiting list for this challenge since 2016 (after finishing the English Channel). 

Recently my sister got an update on her diabetes type 1. It was a hard reminder to the (less known) difficulties and challenges that come with type 1. I want to use my swim to raise money but mostly awareness for the lesser-known challenges of type 1.


Ok, let’s be honest. I am not swimming because of the cause. I am swimming because I practice the Japanese tradition of the ‘Misogi Challenge’: doing a (physically) hard thing once a year to put the rest of the suffering of that year in perspective. 

During these challenges, usually endurance or martial arts, I use mind tricks to put that temporary suffering in perspective. It’s quite a dark endeavor. This year I will think of the challenges and unknown suffering of Diabetics. Especially diabetes type 1. It’s a disease that comes out of pure ‘bad luck’ and that changes life drastically. 

This year swimming the Strait of Gibraltar is my Misogi Challenge. I estimate it to be a 6-hour swim but should prepare mentally and physically for longer. It’s a crossing on the open sea, weather can change, boats can run into problems, etc. 


All funds raised go to DON - focused on curing diabetes type 1.



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DON gaat maar voor één ding: volledige genezing van diabetes type 1. Daarom investeren wij elke cent in fundamenteel wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Steun DON. Stop diabetes type 1.